
Showing posts from September, 2007

Updates from Atlanta

Well, we are half-way settled in Atlanta now I can't make any excuses not to update now. First a brief overview of my recent spiritual activites... I am reading Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Naht Hahn. It presents a lot of ways the practices of Buddhism and Christianity actually harmonize. I don't know about all his conclusions yet, but it made me appreciate the depth of the Christian tradtion more. I have been sorta focusing on the negative shallow aspects of Christianity lately, and forgetting the good and beautiful parts. I am still listening to Ajahn Brahm and enjoying his silly jokes. We've visted a couple of SDA churches in Atlanta. The one we thought the friendliest comes with a 45 minute drive but we have a few more to check out. We enjoyed visiting the Collegedale SDA church this past Saturday morning. (We can drive for 2 hours to go to the Renewal Sabbath School every week, right?) We enjoyed Sabbath school as always and found the sermon on community mo...