
Showing posts from 2014


When I left Christianity it had almost nothing to do with scientific theories or biblical scholarship (i.e. Bart Ehrman.)  I left because I found the Bible to be morally reprehensible and because I realized that I was not in fact a guilty sinner, just suffering from a lack of serotonin to the brain.  I admit I still have yet to read Ehrman, or Pagan Christianity or really any other fine tome that helped so many to break away from the Bible.  However I think science is just the bees knees.  I credit Brian Williams, my awesome grad school professor for waking me up to the joys of science.  Also seeing the joy in my students faces when we did experiments together really inspired me to dig deeper.  I discovered RadioLab on NPR and I'm currently in love with Neil DeGrasse Tyson.  (Though I first loved him before Cosmos, back when he was hosting NOVA Science Now.) Learning about how all life is interconnected, and our very atoms were birthed in the stars...