Posting at last...

As with most things in life, I've had a hard time consistantly writing in this blog. I have been doing a lot of thinking, but not recording my thoughts like I intended to.

I think I am just going to give a run down on the high/low points and hopefully expand on a few of them later.

I finished reading The Way of the Pilgrim an interesting little book about a Russian pilgrim and his experience with the practice of unceasing prayer. This book was given to me as part of a set. The other two books were by D.J. Salinger. Both Salinger books were about the fictional Glass family. (a very confused and confusing fictional family) In the book I read first, Franny and Zooey, the character Franny has read The Way of the Pilgrim and it has a profound effect on her which drives the rest of the story. I'll try and do a longer post of these books later.

My husband and I went to an meeting at Bridge Refugee Services, turned in our paperwork and will hopefully being doing some ESL teaching soon, and maybe other things later.

We also went to Nashville and slept in cardboard boxes a few weeks ago as part of Displace Me an event put together by the group Invisible Children.

In financial matters have split our tithe money among between a few different charitable organization, instead of tithing only to the local church as we have done in the past. We still gave some money through the church, because despite my spiritual instability I still think our church does a pretty good job.

I am still researching Buddhism, and my latest post to the Buddha boards beliefnetprovoked a heated debate. Okay, it was a Mac V PC debate, having little to do with Buddhism. My actual question actually generated only friendly and helpful advice, but my P.S. asking if anyone else had trouble loading beliefnet on their Macs caused a funny little firestorm. (Actually it was all in good fun.)

I recently read The Road by Cormac McCarty, a book which wouldn't let me go. (I finished it the day after I bought it) but I think I will have to read it again, because I think I haven't fully grasped it's meaning. In a way, it was straightforward story, but it was also filled with messages about human nature, spirituality, and lots of other good stuff which I think I missed in my super fast reading.

In other news, my pastor, of whom I complain, rarely gives any practical application in his sermons finally gave some. He cited a study which showed the benefits of kissing your spouse in the morning. Apparently you will have better health and finances if you regularly kiss in morning. I am taking this study very seriously much to my husbands delight. =)

Well that is all the updates I can handle for now.

More later...if I don't slack off again.


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