
Showing posts from February, 2009

Poem 3

I am not entirely happy with all the stanzas of this poem, I am not even going to include the last three stanzas in this post. If you want them you must dig up the 1999 issues of the Legacy.(SAU's poetry journal) JESUS IN A BOTTLE "Taste and see that the Lord is good!" Buy him in a six pack now Or place a little offering in the vending machine Push the little red button and WOW! Drink him up and drink him down Feel the Spiritual Caffeine You'll buzz with Jesus for an hour or so Get a rush from the Nazarene Talk to your pastor, talk to your priest They might be holding a sale Discount coupons given out Free Samples in the mail Some claim our soda is a fake That our sellers are not sainted They say Jesus Christ was crucified But never carbonated. The poem goes on from here, but not in a good way.

Poem 2

Here is the second poem in my series of religious/spiritual type poems...the bulk of this was written during some religion class in college. Come, we'll go and see the preacher Standing on the ocean shore See him back into the water Now we'll hear him nevermore See the bubble of his breathing from the waters underneath Hear the gurgle of his screaming as he sinks into the deep Shortly sharks will go to meet him Watch them move in for the kill Gentle jaws have gone to greet him Red and righteous blood to spill

Poetry Slam!!!!

For lack of a better idea I am going to start publishing some of the quasi religious poetry I have written in the past. Some of these pieces are several years old. Today's poem only works if you think about it actually being handwritten, which it was, sometime during college. I crucify self upon this page Wooden cross pulp the paper made I've driven pens through my hands For Ink To write red words and save my sinful poetry