
Showing posts from November, 2009

Thank You teachers

From the Buddhist perspective you ought to view harmful and irritating things as teachers. Thank you to my right wing teachers. You made me realize, as I became angry with you, that I do not want to be angry as you are. I need to return to the way of peace and meditation. Thank you
So apparently just because I think that there are good Muslim people in the world I therefore must also hate America. Also apparently I also learned that even though Jesus ate with prostitutes and tax collectors, eating with Muslims would just be asking to much. The things you learn when you talk to right wingers.
Do we miss our chance to be happy here because we are always wishing for heaven?

100% chance of Theravada Buddhism?

So I took the Belief-o-Matic quiz on BeliefNet and I have a 100% chance of being a Theravada Buddhist...99% chance of being a Mahyana Buddhist followed by a close third with Unitarian Universalist. Only a 41% chance of being an Adventist. and 21% chance of being a Jehovah's Witness I think....