Wordy Wednesdays
So here goes my first Wordy Wednesday offering. I am trying to write short stories for kids, but the habit of writing is hard for me. When I sit down to write I want the skies to open, and a rainbow of inspiration to come. Yeah, right. Instead I get paralyzed when nothing brilliant immediately appears. So, I am hoping by giving myself this Wordy Wednesday challenge, I can at least develop the habit of writing something, even if it doesn't amount to anything. I still want to blog about spiritual and mental health issues, so I am hoping that will play into this as well. Another challenge to writing is attention span. (I literally just got distracted checking FB) I've been meditating and doing yoga on a more regular basis, and that has helped me develop more sustainable emotional health. It's also helped me to concentrate mindfully but my I still have a ways to go. I know the internet is a big factor o...