I'm me in any religion...
So I discovered something which I probably should have known...My stick-to-itivesness is lacking no matter what faith I try to practice. After several nights of meditation I just sort of stopped for no apparent reason. I also stopped reading and researching Buddhism and writing in this blog. So apparently my lack of determination isn't limited to my practice of Christianity. I suppose I should have known this...but I held out hope that it was God's fault, not mine, for not endowing me with the ability to prayer regularily and have devotions. This way I could avoid the blame for my spiritual failings. Now I see that my failures are clearly my own fault...but also that I have the power to change this. I don't have to wait around for God to bless me with desire. I just have to pick up and try again when I fail. I can use this knowledge no matter what faith I decide to practice.
A woman you and I know has said that prayer is like the breathing of the soul. Just as breathing is done naturally and involuntarily, so is our prayer, our conversation, with God. Our stream of consciousness as seekers and admirers of the Divine is our prayer. You didn't stop the prayer to blog. You continued to pray through your blog, and your sleep, and your shower, and your breakfast, and your commute, and your work, and indeed the rest of your entire life. Hence, we can pray without ceasing...as long as our breath shall last. Am I making sense?
Btw my husband and I have been reading "Reinventing the Adventist Wheel" for awhile. Good stuff =)