Extreme Blog Makeover
Time to give the ole blog a make-over. It realized that the blog was still dressed in all black, like me in middle school. Maybe it was harboring those harsh, self-absorbed, nazel gazing, immature attitudes as well. Time for girly, happy and fresh!
In other news...
The deadly duo of First Year Teacher/Grad School student tried to chew me up and spit me out yet I have survived and thrived. Still a few more months to go. With a lot of hard work I just might make it. (It helps that I love my students...SOOOOOO cute.)
Nothing much to report on the spiritual front. No time to philosophize these days. Becoming a teacher made me realize my happiness relies more on me being engaged and active. Thinking and pondering (read Obsessing) about the meaning of life leads to depression and confusion.
Meditation and mindfulness on the other hand are still extremely essential and important. I regret letting them slip from my life the last few semesters. I have been going back to the local meditation centers on the weekend, reading a bit of the ole Thich Nhat Han before bedtime and trying to breath in and be happy a little bit every day. It's making a a difference.
I've become a little bit more fashionable these days. I'm realizing that the clothes make the Ann and help bolster my confidence. I'm thinking of sidelining the spiritual focus of this blog and turning it into a fashion/cooking/lifestyle blog once I am out of graduate school. I'll throw in a lil sum'n sum'n to stir up religious debate every now and then when I am feeling spicy. Otherwise I think I'd like to focus more on hobbies that have me doing/making something rather than thinking about things. I also need a section devoted to all the hilarious and cute things my students do and say.
I don't have any fashion/cooking/lifestyle picture to post as of yet. In the meantime here is a very fashionable science experiment for you. I love the color scheme.
Bye Bye
In other news...
The deadly duo of First Year Teacher/Grad School student tried to chew me up and spit me out yet I have survived and thrived. Still a few more months to go. With a lot of hard work I just might make it. (It helps that I love my students...SOOOOOO cute.)
Nothing much to report on the spiritual front. No time to philosophize these days. Becoming a teacher made me realize my happiness relies more on me being engaged and active. Thinking and pondering (read Obsessing) about the meaning of life leads to depression and confusion.
Meditation and mindfulness on the other hand are still extremely essential and important. I regret letting them slip from my life the last few semesters. I have been going back to the local meditation centers on the weekend, reading a bit of the ole Thich Nhat Han before bedtime and trying to breath in and be happy a little bit every day. It's making a a difference.
I've become a little bit more fashionable these days. I'm realizing that the clothes make the Ann and help bolster my confidence. I'm thinking of sidelining the spiritual focus of this blog and turning it into a fashion/cooking/lifestyle blog once I am out of graduate school. I'll throw in a lil sum'n sum'n to stir up religious debate every now and then when I am feeling spicy. Otherwise I think I'd like to focus more on hobbies that have me doing/making something rather than thinking about things. I also need a section devoted to all the hilarious and cute things my students do and say.
I don't have any fashion/cooking/lifestyle picture to post as of yet. In the meantime here is a very fashionable science experiment for you. I love the color scheme.
Bye Bye