Some thoughts on dealing with anxiety, depression, emotions or what ever neurotic shit is running through your brain.

No ones likes unsolicited advice...So with that said, don't read my blog if you don't want to hear what I have to say.  I know there were times when I was dealing with anxiety, depression and a fragile emotional state, that you could give me all the good advice in the world and it wouldn't take.   However, if it wasn't for the wise words of people in my life, authors I've read, and speakers I've listened to, I would still be back in neurotic fun land.  So the following is my little contribution to the people in my life who are suffering.  Take from it what you will.

1.  Don't be afraid of your anxiety, or depression, or emotions, or phobias or whatever it is that plagues you.  Your neurosis like to keep you afraid so you won't do anything about them.  They like to pretend they are big terrible monsters with fearsome teeth.  They are really just whiney little babies who have never been loved.  The sooner you can see them for what they are, the better.

2.  Don't be afraid to talk about what is going on in that messed up little head of yours.  Your neurosis are like germs who fester and grow in dark, damp places.  Talking brings them into the light.  I would advise seeing a therapist rather than relying on friends or a spouse.   Although friends and spouses can be a great support network they often have too much invested in you emotionally.  Your stress can become their stress.  If you are terrified of seeing a therapist because you don't want to face your emotions, you definitely need to see a therapist.   You can sit in their office and tell them nothing substantial for the first few visits if it helps you get comfortable.  I was terrified of going at first too but it was soooo worth it.

3. Stop taking all that shit in your head seriously.  The best way I know how to do this is through breath meditation.  After sitting for an hour, watching my thoughts, I began to see how unsubstantial and vaporous they are.  We give so much weight to the thinking in our heads and we turn our thoughts over and over and over till they make us crazy.  It's can seem hard to let them go and be at peace.  For me breath meditation and mindfulness are the way I let them go and it becomes easier and easier with practice.

4. Learn what your body needs and then provide it.  For some people it's more exercise and a better diet.  For others its medication.  You are a biological organism, and the roots of your neurosis are biological in nature.  There is nothing to be ashamed of in admitting you need a lifestyle change or medication. It's no different that taking an allergy medication to stop sneezing, or changing your diet to avoid hives.  I spent many years trying therapy, exercise, diet and meditation.  All these things were helpful,  but the drastic changes didn't start until I went on anti-anxiety meds.  

That's all for now.  If you want me to expand on anything let me know.  If you want more ideas let me know too.  I am not ashamed to talk about my struggles so don't be afraid you'd be prying if you want to know more.  


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