Innocence Atlanta

We went to another great Emergent Cohort last night.

The topic was sex trafficking, in particular, the trafficking of young girls who are sold into sexual slavery. A women from
Innocence Atlanta informed us that Atlanta is number 1 city in the nation for sex trafficking due to the airport.

We mainly talked about the causes and possible solutions to this problem, but the one true story the Innocence Atlanta representative shared at the beginning was truly terrifying and heartbreaking. She told us of a young girl and her sister kidnapped from Moldovia, rapped, beaten, (the sister died) then trafficked from Europe to New York. Like many others this girl was sent to work all over the country, it keeps them from forming bonds. She was forced to service 20 men a day and her life was constantly at risk. When she finally managed to escape she as recaptured several times, beat again and again, and finally died in the hospital before the rescue agency could get to her.

The story is told in full here.

It makes me ashamed of all the spiritual navel gazing I've been doing. While spiritual questions are important, there are so many lives at risk today that I need to re-evalute my priorities. My husband and I are looking at ways to support the work being done by Innocence Atlanta.

In the past, I've felt that I had to help people because it was what God wants, now I want to help people because my heart is breaking for them.

Let your heart break for those in need. Then take action.


Anonymous said…
I heard about trafficking when I was in Tanzania. It is a terrible thing.

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