The Asylum

The God of the Bible is like a parent of mentally and physically deformed child(SIN NATURE) , who leaves the child in a dirty mental asylum for orphans(EARTH AFTER THE FALL). He tells the child, "I love you but I am going to leave you here. I'll come again to get you when you are old, but only if you keep trusting me. Now you have to spread this Good News to all the other children because they are mine and I am coming to get them too."

Except, the children he tells to spread the good news are so mentally ill they can barely feed themselves, let alone spread the Good News to the children God never bothered to speak to.

While the children are in the asylum, God doesn't totally abandon them. He writes them letters. Letter that tell them how to live life in the interim. But the letters are sent by way of the Asylum director, who has to translate the letters because they are written in an ancient language that the children can't read. The letters are full of contradictions and puzzles which even the most mentally healthy children cannot figure out.

Parts of the letteres are wonderful. They give hope and encouragement to some children. Other parts tell the children it's okay to kill Children who don't live up to all the rules. War breaks out in the orphanage and the suffering increases.

Finally, many years later, after the children's children's children have long died, and the deformity has worsened and spread among the new generations, God comes back.

I am ready to save all who still believe, all who are covered by my grace. Some children run and hide, and some come forward. To the ones who come forward he says. "I never knew you."


Unknown said…
Even in my unbelief, that is chilling.
Ann said…
Thanks for you comment. That's pretty much my darkest interpretation of who God might be. I am willing to admit the possibility of a loving God who really will do right by everyone, but I don't think you can necessarily come away with the loving God concept if you read the Bible and think about it's implications. Sometimes I wonder if God thinks he is good, in the way a neurotic parents thinks they love their child.
Unknown said…
"What I'm saying is, if God wanted to send us a message, and ancient writings were the only way he could think of doing it, he could have done a better job." -Carl Sagan, in 'Contact'

From reading the Bible, and observing the world around, your interpretation seems perfectly logical.

If the Christian idea of God is right, I can no longer warp my mind so that He makes any sense.

I suppose that is why He is said to be ineffable.
Anonymous said…
wow that's quite a picture, sometime it does kind of feel like that.
h2ovapor said…
Who made it an asylum? Us or God? What would the adversary have us believe? Will we believe his lies? Will we forget God gave His only Son to live in the "Asylum" and the people He created killed Him there? Will we forget the gift that is available to every single person, even they that killed Him? All we have to do is believe the truth instead of the lies and we can have everlasting life! What a contrast to the picture the adversary paints. Don't listen to his lies and confusion.

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